Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 91

Yesterday I was listening to a program on NPR about the Hadron Collider. I don't really know what the Hadron Collider is but I know that it is expected to teach us more about the universe we live in. The physicist being interviewed said that we can currently only identify about 1/6 of all the matter in the universe. What else is out there? He also said the we don't know what holds matter together. The very structure of our being is a mystery.

As I was listening I looked up to see huge snowflakes swirling and dancing outside my window. They fell on crocuses and tulips that bloomed early due to an unseasonably warm start of spring. Why does it snow in springtime? Where do the snowflakes, works of art in their own right, come from? Where do they go? It is all a mystery to me.

Our search for meaning and understanding is limitless. We build 14 billion dollar machines and ponder snowflakes. Why can't we embrace the mystery?

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