Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 166

I heard a story on the radio yesterday about a blog that was created for a plastic bag stuck in a tree. The Walmart bag, named Wendy, has been stuck in this tree for 2 years. She has thousands of followers.

Why are so many people interested in following the life of a plastic bag? I have a theory. I think that we all long for connection. Our lives, with all the trappings of modernity, lead to feelings of disconnect. We are disconnected from the natural world, from each other, from our true selves. Connecting with a plastic bag in a tree, however absurd, is one way to reaffirm our interconnection.

So often my own actions have been motivated by a longing to connect. I searched and studied and pleaded in prayer. But it wasn't until I started sitting as a regular practice that I began to understand what it means to be connected.

This morning as I was sitting, the window was open. I could hear a tractor mowing the field behind my house, the windchimes on my neighbors porch, birds singing and cars driving by. The boundaries start to blur and I understand that I am connected to it all; I am a small part of the vast, amazing universe, just like Wendy, the plastic bag caught in a tree.

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