Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 67

They used to sell these prints, framed for hanging, that looked like a bunch of multicolored pixels. If you looked at one of the prints just right an image would emerge. Someone told me once that you had to relax your gaze in order to see the hidden images. I was never very good at it.

Yesterday I was tallying up all that I had spent on my education. I was focused on the loss column and had a hard time seeing what I had gained. When I relaxed my gaze just a little I started to see that going back to school offered me many intangible gifts.

When I decided to go back to school I was at the lowest point in my life. I had just lost a job running a program that was close to me heart. My son had recently left home and my partner was struggling with serious illness. I was lost and full of grief. School was always a safe place for me. As a little girl, it was a place where I felt seen and heard and appreciated. Naturally, I retreated to this place when I was in pain as an adult. It was a safe place for me to heal and I did. I made wonderful friends along the way and found a home, something I never had before.

Are these things worth $250,000? It seems like such a silly question. I guess I need to stop focusing on the bottom line. Every moment comes bearing gifts if I am willing to shift my focus.

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