Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 183

I take a lot of pleasure in the titles assigned to some books. One of my favorites is Map of the World (Jane Hamilton). This title speaks to the way that we each carry with us a unique map of the world that we use to navigate our way through. Our worldview changes over time in response to circumstance.

It is difficult for individuals to understand each other because no two maps are the same. I enjoy spending time with people who have maps of the world that are very similar to my own. Of course I learn much more from people who do not.

Yesterday I spent time with a person who has a map of the world that I hardly recognize. She sees danger where I see opportunity. She is cautious when I want to forge ahead. She has her feet firmly planted on the ground while I dream.

We talked for well over an hour before I came to realize that we share much in common: we are both parents who value the relationships we have with our children; we are both feminists in the sense that we advocate for women; and, perhaps most importantly, we both want to be seen and heard and appreciated. These are the corners of the world for which we share a common map.

Maybe these are the places we should dwell together.

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