Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 194

We had wind storms yesterday with gusts up to 60 miles per hour. From my window, I could see trees straining under the pressure and debris dancing frantically in the air. My house creaked and swayed, threatening to come apart at the seams. The lights flickered as power lines were whipped about. I kept expecting the bad witch to fly by the window on her bicycle (the music from The Wizard of Oz playing in my ears).

It was all a little unsettling. I responded by closing all of my windows and doors and staying inside for the day. I was grateful to have that opportunity. I hunkered down and enjoyed the safety of my four walls.

Sometimes when I am hit by an emotional windstorm I feel emotionally tossed about, unable to get my footing. I used to try to confront the chaos head-on. I would charge into the eye of the storm and try to wrestle it into compliance, Don Quixote like. I usually emerged dazed and battered.

Today I am more inclined to seek refuge in the safe place I have created within myself. It is a place built on daily practice.

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