Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 240

I decided to ride my bike to complete a few errands yesterday. My helmet was in a drawer of a cabinet in our carport. As I removed the helmet from the drawer I noticed something inside the cap. I was staring at it, trying to make it out, when it moved. I immediately dropped the helmet and a tiny frog was jarred from inside as it hit the ground. It hopped away, no doubt as startled as I was.

I shared the story with my husband who was baffled. Where did the frog come from? There are no bodies of water near by. How did it get into the cabinet? The drawer was tightly sealed. He was convinced that the frog was an omen.

I looked up the symbolism associated with frogs. It seems that there are many cultural traditions that associate frogs with joy. luck and transformation. Was this frog a messenger from the future? It's not very logical but I like to think so. I agree with Einstein: Imagination is more important than knowledge.

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