Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 233

I was reading the book, On Writing by Steven King today. He implies that a writer must be courageous. This got me thinking about the difference between courage and fearlessness.

I used to work for a community college. Once as I was leaving a meeting, one of my coworkers said to me, "I really admire your courage, Debbie. You always say things that others are afraid to say." Immediately, I started reflecting on the complaints that I had verbalized during the meeting. Did I say something that would get me in trouble?

It turns out that I probably did. I was eventually forced out of my job for saying the wrong things at the wrong times. It wasn't so much that I was courageous. I just didn't seem to have as much fears as my coworkers.

Fear has many faces. It can be a sage that guides us to safety or a trickster that binds us in quicksand.

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