Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 215

I watched a movie a few days ago, A Single Man with Colin Firth. It reminded me of a simple truth, that most of our lives are spent navigating the tightrope between fear and faith. Mostly I lean toward fear, but occasionally I am blessed with an understanding that, as the single man said, "everything is exactly the way it is meant to be." This understanding momentarily brings peace.

The question A Single Man left me with was this: Is it our choice? Can we choice faith over fear?

This is the question I ask myself as I leave today for a trip to visit my family. Travel for me is always a little fear provoking. Despite the statistics regarding flight safety, I never truly feel safe at 35,000 feet. Travel also brings with it the potential for unexpected and unfamiliar events and circumstances (what some people call adventure).

Can I choose faith over fear in the face of these events and circumstances? We'll see...

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