Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 234

I was hooked by the age of two. As the story goes, I developed an intolerance for milk at the age of one. The doctor advised my mother to give me sugar water in my bottle. I latched onto that bottle and refused to let go even after my brother came along 2 years later. My mother was embarrassed by me as a three year old still drinking from a bottle. I think that I figured out at this tender age that life is hard and a little taste of something sweet eases the pain.

I still live by that basic premise and I still long for that bottle of sugar water. Of course social convention dictates that I must find other, more socially acceptable, means of feeding my addiction. Instead of the baby bottle, I carry small pieces of chocolate in my purse.

Recently I came to the conclusion that the sugar is likely the cause of my chronic sinus problems. I didn't want to accept this fact because I knew that it would mean giving up an old, dear friend. I don't know what life will be like without the sugar water. Perhaps I will have to learn to face the pain head on. Damn.

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