Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 216

One of the things that I enjoy most about my life these days is the pace: pedestrian and peaceful. The quiet in our home is seldom interrupted until I have had ample opportunity to ease into the day. Most anything I need can be retrieved by riding my bicycle to my neighborhood store, no traffic jams or freeways. A night out usually involves dinner, conversation and people watching at the co-op. It is a good life but not very stimulating.

If you want stimulation visit an airport. Yesterday as I was waiting for my connecting flight the myriad sights and sounds strained my senses and seized my brain. I saw a soldier in maternity fatigues waiting for a friend to return from Iraq, a young woman sprinting through the airport on two artificial, mechanical legs and a teacher greeted by a former student thousands of miles from their home and the school where they shared a classroom. I was thrilled by their stories. And I was distracted...

It is difficult to remain aware and present in the midst of such distraction. It is hard to stay mindful when your mind is so full.

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