Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 270

It seems that I have been rushing from one task to another for a few months. Now that I have returned from my visits with relatives and settled Kat in at Evergreen, it is time to embark on the plans that I started making when I graduated in the spring.

I thought that I was ready to launch my dreams but now it seems that there is something standing in the way: my weight. I hate to admit it really, not because I am in denial about being fat. My rotundness does not escape me. I have, however, always rejected the notion that I must be thin to succeed. Society tells me that I must be svelte to be accepted and accomplished and I raise my chubby little middle finger in salute (while eating a chocolate bar with the other hand).

Lately there is a truth more profound than my rebellion rising up in me. It is an awakening to the fact that at my current weight I lack the energy and confidence to accomplish my professional goals. I am pretty sure that losing weight will boast both. Now I have to ask myself: Am I ready to end my temper tantrum and put down the food?

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