Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 268

I few days ago a friends sent me an email. He said that he had been reading my blog and that it was apparent that I was having a hard time this summer. I wasn't sure what he meant but it bothered me.

I have been a little more moody lately, a combination of sadness and anger that I analysed to no avail. It was hard to pinpoint an external source or even an unmet need that I could tag these feelings onto. Then it occurred to me, these feelings are hormonal, the kind of fluctuations that I usually only experience for one or two days a month. Lately, I seem to be on an emotional roller coaster more often than not.

I started to put the clues together: moodiness, hot God, it's menopause! What a funny coincidence: I find myself dealing with menopause during the year that I have committed to the practice of nonviolence. Can you say irony, boys and girls?

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