Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 269

Since I brought up the topic of menopause yesterday I feel the need to say a few words in the defense of "the change." It sounds so ominous and certainly most of use have been filled with dread at the prospect of ripening into old crones. Despite all the warnings I rather like the idea.

Above all else menopause is the cessation of fertility. As someone who never particularly prized my fertility, I bid it a fond farewell. I will miss the cyclic nature of the whole process; the sense that my body is connected to the phases of the moon and movement of the tides. I suspect that if I am conscious I will find other ways to identify with the flow of life.

There is the matter of hormones and the havoc they can wreak. Since adolescence I have experienced what is commonly called PMS. I prefer to think of it as my time of power. There are a few days every month when my normally sweet demeanor is transformed. I become a bitch goddess. Menopause carries with it the prospect that I will become a full-time bitch goddess. Imagine all that power! I suspect that I am finally at a stage in life when I am ready to harness it and allow it to fuel my creative visions.

Watch out world, another old crone / bitch goddess is making her debut.

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