Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 261

I drove seven hours today to drop Steven off at Evergreen. Now I am sitting in the kitchen of a home owned by my brother and sister-in-law. They are on a Russian cruise and generously offered to let me stay at their home.

It is a small, luxurious house that sits at water's edge facing Puget Sound. It is a treat to stay here. At the same time, I find it a bit unsettling: perhaps it is the $200 coffee/tea maker that I can't figure out how to operate or the boats sailing by just outside the kitchen window as I eat tomato soup for dinner.

I think about the homeless man I saw at Safeway where I went to buy the soup. I wonder what he is doing tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Very nice. You said so much by not saying it. Impressive.
